A little about us….
Founded in New Delhi, in 2020, with the core mission to help artisans across India survive the disruption in their livelihood caused by the pandemic.
The commerce around India’s national artisan trade provides a life sustaining income for the artists, their household and communities. Rich in skill but limited in assets, these crafts people were immediately impacted by the fallout from the global financial meltdown and resulting bankruptcies. Undeterred by hard-times and with extraordinary dedication, the crafters continued to ply their trade as the pandemic tightened its grip on the world.

Consequently, inventory piled up while income dwindled and eventually dried up, placing the artisans and their families in a very precarious position. Trunkin’ was launched to help the artisans survive the pandemic by launching new wholesale and retail channels.
The idea took root shortly after a law student returned home from university in the early days of the pandemic. Restless and with time on his hands, he grew concerned about his friends outside of the city. Having traveled with his father since childhood, he forged deep and lasting ties to these artisan communities. Knowing the situation could not be good, he trekked out to the countryside for a welfare check. Witnessing the pandemics dire impact on these communities galvanized his resolve to lend a helping hand. Springing into action, he assembled a cohort of business and tech savvy minds and they quickly blazed an e-commerce path to reach the consumer market in India.
Orders began to trickle in, then steadily build earning us positive reviews. Knowing the Indian consumer is very savvy and discerning when it comes to their national crafts, we knew that if we could impress this crowd, we’d have a real success on our hands! Within six months we sold out our entire inventory and provided the much-needed revenue stream to over 500 Artisans and Designers in the collective!
As the situation deteriorates in India, we have resolved to double-down our support for these artisans and bring their products directly to consumers across India through the launch of Trunkin'.
We invite you to subscribe to our blog and join us on this rewarding journey. As part of the unique Trunkin’ experience, we will be sharing insightful profiles and videos featuring our Artisans and Designers. Stay tuned to experience India’s rich cultural traditions and village life presented in this immersive series.
Sincerely, The Trunkin’ Team